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Nurturing Toddlers: The Power of Positive Discipline

As parents, we all face the challenge of disciplining our toddlers at some point. The concept of positive discipline offers an effective and nurturing approach to guide children's behavior while fostering their emotional well-being. In this article, we will explore the principles of positive discipline and how our parents at Ruh are encouraged to utilise positive disciplining strategies for toddlers. #RuhEarlyYears

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Srisha Mohandoss, M.Ed Srisha Mohandoss, M.Ed

3 Yoga Practices for Our Little Yogis

To live a healthy life, in all stages of life, one needs to have a healthy body and mind. When you teach them to take care of their body & mind when they are young, children grow to be balanced human beings. What better way than to introduce your little ones to the wonderful world of Yoga to begin this journey!

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